The route is now completed in final draft and is looking more like 110K than the original 100K. Still, we like a challenge!! The first day will be the now traditional kilomathon (26.2K), known to us as a killerthon!! But, no rest for the wicked, we follow that with a record breaking day two that tops up at 30K. This will be a new first for the fourdaysrunning crew.
I have booked a 3 star bunkhouse which will end day two and provide accommodation for all three nights. It is on the route, in the middle of nowhere, has great reviews (and views) and was still available!! I have booked the whole place (maximum of 12 people) and will confirm by December 10th. If you are planning to come then I need your confirmation in the next week or two.
Finally, use the Amazon link when you do your Christmas shopping and 5% will go to CASPA, our main charity on the "fourdaysrunning" events.